Project won a prize of 50% of the tuition fee of the academic year for Master in Interaction Design and Immersive Experiences, Barcelona

My Prompt

A circular pocket screen device with wireless earbuds aside, designed by apple –ar 3:2

This portable device features a pocket-sized screen, camera, sensors, and wireless earphones. It’s fully integrated with artificial intelligences and can access the internet. It uses the camera and other sensors to analyze, store, and present information based on the user’s demands within the context. The primary interaction occurs through voice commands, with the touchscreen serving as supplementary support when needed.

Develop on this technological device and answer questions like: How can it be used in a person’s daily life? In which contexts can it prove to be especially useful? What characteristics it needs to have in order to ensure a human-centered experience? How can it be used to improve accessibility and inclusion?”

Prepare a text that answers the questions above and presents the potential of this device. Be direct and friendly.

Ai Tools: ChatGPT4, Midjourney

A companion Compass: What does this everyday smart-thing can do for you?

Compass is the all-in-one portable device designed to seamlessly integrate into your daily life. Imagine a compact, pocket-sized screen that houses a powerful camera, a myriad of sensors, and wireless earphones, all harmoniously connected to artificial intelligences and the vast expanse of the internet. This is more than just a gadget; it’s a personalized assistant, a knowledge hub, and a companion rolled into one sleek package.

Let’s delve into how this device can revolutionize your daily routines and enhance various aspects of your life:

1. Daily Organization: Whether it’s managing your schedule, setting reminders, or keeping track of tasks, this device has you covered. Simply speak your commands, and it will swiftly organize your day, ensuring you stay on top of your commitments.

2. Information On-Demand: Need to identify a plant, translate a sign, or get directions? Just point the camera, and the device will provide instant information tailored to your query, thanks to its advanced image recognition capabilities and access to vast online databases.

3. Health and Wellness: From monitoring your fitness levels to offering nutritional advice, this device acts as your personal health coach. It can track your steps, analyze your workouts, and even provide guided meditation sessions to help you unwind after a long day.

4. Immersive learning: In various contexts such as education, travel, or shopping, the device can overlay relevant information onto the user’s surroundings, enhancing their experience and understanding.

5. Accessibility and Inclusion: This device is a game-changer for individuals with physical or cognitive disabilities, offering a wide range of features to alleviate daily challenges. From providing navigation assistance to real-time translation, object and face recognition, and speech-to-text transcription, it serves as a versatile aid. Through its intuitive voice interface and adaptable features, it empowers users to navigate the world with newfound ease and independence. For the visually impaired, it offers audio descriptions of surroundings, while for non-native speakers, it facilitates seamless language translation. Ultimately, this device dismantles barriers and fosters inclusivity, making the world more accessible to everyone.

To ensure a truly human-centered experience, the device must prioritize the following characteristics:

1. Intuitive Interface: The primary interaction through voice commands should feel natural and conversational, allowing users to communicate with the device effortlessly.

2. Personalization: Recognizing that every user is unique, the device should adapt to individual preferences and habits, tailoring its responses and recommendations accordingly.

3. Privacy and Security: Safeguarding user data is paramount. The device must uphold stringent privacy measures, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected at all times.

4. Reliability and Responsiveness: Users rely on this device to provide accurate information and swift assistance. Therefore, it must be reliable in its performance and responsive to user commands without delay.

Aside from the distinctive design that names the device, it is also available in various alternative configurations, such as necklace, watch, and mini-compass, allowing you to choose the design that best fits your needs.

In conclusion, Compass represents a leap forward in personal technology, offering unparalleled convenience, versatility, and accessibility. Whether you’re navigating your daily routines, seeking information on the go, or striving for a healthier lifestyle, this device is your indispensable companion, empowering you to lead a more connected and fulfilling life.

Check out the illustrated story to glimpse Compass in action. 😉